Friday, 24 July 2015

Cousins, Primo Levi and....Newborn Cats!


Dopo quasi due settimane di inattività (é un po' difficile scrivere un post con il telefono), sono tornato ad annoiarvi con qualche aneddoto sulla mia più che noiosa vita ;).

Ovviamente in questo periodo non sono stato completamente fermo, anzi, ho raccolto del buon materiale per il post successivo (questo).

Come si può capire dal titolo, i miei cugini sono in qualche modo coinvolti. Sì, perché gli ultimi 10 giorni li ho passati a casa loro. Era da un po' che non vedevo né loro né gli zii, quindi non può che avermi fatto piacere trascorrere un periodo là.

Il caldo torrido ha reso difficile anche solo l'uscire di casa, però ce la siamo passata alla grande lo stesso (anche grazie all'aria condizionata-20°- non-stop dalle 11.30 fino più o meno alle 18-19 e poi per tutta la notte ;) ).

Sicuramente mi ha sorpreso molto constatare quanto siano cresciuti i cugini, soprattutto quello più grande (va per i 16). Davvero, quando l'ho sentito parlare quasi non l'ho riconosciuto, tanto era diversa la sua voce. LOL. E ormai non riesco quasi più a sollevarlo di peso, quindi per forza dev'essere cresciuto ;).

Badare ai due cicloni in miniatura che sono i miei cugini non é stato per nulla noioso. Tra i momenti topici metto senza dubbio quello dei compiti. Ora, con il cugino c'é poco da fare, ormai si arrangia lui, anche se si distrae troppo a mio parere. Il gioco si fa divertente quando si deve seguire la caaaaara cuginetta (Giorgia, 11). Ogni singolo rumore o movimento nella stanza può essere usato come scusa per fermarsi, buttarsi sul divano, coccolare il cane, accendere la tv, ecc…

Ma non importa Giorgia, ti voglio bene lo stesso ;););). Questo nonostante tu mi tolga anni di vita con i tuoi errori in Inglese!

Sabato, poi, abbiamo approfittato del fatto che fossimo tutti e 5 insieme (durante la settimana gli zii sono via per lavoro quasi tutto il giorno) per fare un salto a Castelfranco dove, a quanto pare, c'é un lago dove i subacquei si trovano per fare pratica di immersione con le bombole (lo zio ha il brevetto).

Credetemi, é stato il paradiso. Sopportare 40 min di macchina sotto il sole delle 15 é stato un sacrificio più che giusto. La cosa bella, poi, é che nell'acqua bassa sono state fissate al fondale alcune panchine. Credo sia superfluo dire che mi ci sono fiondato subito. I 20 minuti più belli!! Stare seduto mezzo a mollo (e al fresco!) e mezzo no é il top. Addormentarsi sarebbe stato perfettamente normale :).

In conclusione, un bel pomeriggio. Il fatto, poi, che la giornata si sia conclusa con una bella pizza (quasi doppia per me, visti i tranci non mangiati dai cugini ;) ) é stato il massimo.

Ovviamente non posso dimenticarmi degli esami, dato che 7 libri di Primo Levi non si leggono da soli (anche se sarebbe giusto che lo facessero). Uffa. Che noia.

Ok, non mi va già più di parlarne.

La piacevole novità? 5 gattini con non più di 10 giorni di vita. A D O R A B I L I. Ce ne siamo presi cura ogni giorno, allattandoli e aiutandoli a fare i bisogni (di questo se ne occupava la cara cuginetta ;) ).
La cosa più simpatica, oltre a sentirli strepitare ad altissimo volume, é stata prenderli in mano. Questo perché ti si attaccavano alla mano con le unghie e sembravano quasi delle scimmiette :):).

Adesso dovremmo aver trovato delle famiglie che se ne occupino, quindi, dai… non gli é andata poi così male, no?

Per concludere, sono stati 10 giorni fantastici. Sono molto grato agli zii per l'ospitalità e gli auguro di passare delle splendide vacanze in Croazia (quindi non fare il musone Cugino!! ;) ). I miei cuginetti, poi, sono fantastici! Davvero, gli sono molto affezionato ;);).

Qualche nota conclusiva:

- Zia é inutile che tu mi dia della lumaca quando guido se poi sei tu quella che dimentica le chiavi inserite sulla portiera o la macchina aperta :).

- Riky, mettitela via che a carte sono più forte io. Devi ancor farne di esperienza per raggiungermi ;);).

- Ho capito che non vogliono darci un cavolo di appartamento a Saragozza prima dell'ultimo secondo. Mannaggia alle agenzie spagnole.

- Ormai sono il massimo esperto di ginnastica artistica a livello mondiale, per cui grazie Giorgia!! ;)


Here we are again!

After almost 2 weeks without posts (it's a bit difficult blogging only with a mobile), I'm back to annoy you all with some anecdote about my (more than ordinary) life ;).

Of course I wasn't completely static, actually, I collected some good material/ idea for the blog. Plus, I wanted to give my dear friend the chance to overtake me and to lead, at least for some hours ;);).

As it can be easily understood from the title, my cousins are somehow involved. And that's because I spent the last 10 days with them. It had been a while since the last time, so I could but be happy to stay with them and with my uncles for some days.

The heat made going out almost impossible for us, but we managed to have a good time the same (also thanks to the non-stop air conditioning. Really, that thing is now one of my best friends!!).

Talking of more important things, I was simply stunned by how much my cousins had grown, especially the elder (he's almost 16 now). Really, it was something amazing. It happened that I almost didn't recognize his voice when he greeted me. For a moment, I thought that person was an impostor who had drunk some Polyjuice. That's why I asked him who he was. Apparently, he was my cousin for real.

I was like "naaa, you can't be him. His voice tone is different. Plus, last time I still managed to lift him up easily. You are definitely heavier than him. And even taller."

But I was absolutely wrong. HE WAS MY COUSIN. After going through the confused moment, I had to accept that growth is something incredible. You don't know the exact moment, but when it happens it really amazes you how much a person can change.

The other cousin, Giorgia, she had grown a lot too. She'd become really a pretty little girl :).

Taking care of these two mini-tornadoes wasn't easy at all, which means I didn't get bored, not for a single moment!!

One key moment was homework time. Now, my older cousin didn't need help (hey, he's grown up after all.. ;) ), but I think he should focus a bit more on what he's doing, rather then losing time in doing whatever not homework related every 15 minutes.

(This is the famous sofa, in case you were wondering about it)

The thing begins to get interesting when it's time to help my other dear little cousin (Giorgia, 11). Every single movement, sound or similar can be used as an excuse to interrupt the work and doing something else, like petting the dog, watching TV or laying on the sofa, etc…

See? These are two examples of TV animals. 

But it doesn't matter Giorgia, I love you the same ;););).

Saturday, seen that the five of us were all together (uncles are hardly at home during the week due to work), we went to a lake near Castelfranco were skin divers use to practice.

Trust me, that was a PARADISE. Suffering for a 40 minutes travel in the car under the 3pm sun it's worth it.

One of the best features, beside the obvious fresh water, was that in a couple of points there were some benches half submerged in the shallow water. THAT WAS THE BEST. Just the few seconds to come out of the car and I was dashing towards one of these. I think I might have spent half an hour just sitting
there… If I had been alone I probably would have fallen asleep :).

That day ended with a pizza-based dinner (double for me, because I had to eat also cousins leftovers :) ), so I can say it was an amazing day.

Of course I didn't have to forget about exams, that's why I had brought a couple of Levi's books with me. No need to say how boring they are. And I have to read 7 books to be THEORETICALLY ready for the exam (1st of Sept).

Ok, I'm gonna stop writing about this because I'm already tired.

The last and most interesting thing? We found 5 little cats under a car! I'm quite sure their mum died, so we decided to take care of them until someone would have taken them.

Ta-dan! Here they are!!

To put it simple, we had to feed them and help them peeing every 3 hours. Giorgia was very good at it ;);).


What I liked the most was grabbing them and holding them in the hand, because they tried to climb just like they were little monkeys (with mini but painful nails ;);) ).

This was my favorite

I hope they'll grow healthy and that some families will adopt them, because they are lovely :):).

To sum up, these have been 10 great days. Both my cousins and my uncles have been fantastic, I love them so much and I hope they'll have a wonderful holiday in Croatia (yes, they're about to leave).

Some ending note:

- Dear aunt, you shouldn't call me 'snail' while I'm driving, because you're the one who forgets car keys on the car door, or who leaves the car unlocked;

- Riky, you should've understood who's the strongest cards player, accept my superiority ;););).

- I've come to the conclusion that I won't be able to find a damn apartment in Zaragoza before the last minute available (I'm even ready to spend the last days in Spain as a little nomad LOOKING for an apartment). Great.

(I was waiting for you to post again to upload this one, just to give you some false hope ;);) ).

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Did I want Summer? Well, there it is!

Eccola qua, l'estate che tutti aspettavamo e che definire soleggiata é riduttivo!!

Ormai, da un po' di giorni a questa parte la temperatura non vuole saperne di scendere al di sotto dei 35 gradi. Risultato? Qui si sta bollendo!!! Uscire di casa durante certe fasce orarie é proibitivo, a meno che non si desideri essere trasformati in pochi minuti in una simpatica pozzanghera di sudore dall'afa e dall'umidità. Ovviamente non voglio temporali e tifoni, però un pelo di aria fresca ogni tanto non sarebbe male…

Capito, mio caro anticiclone africano? Nessuno ti vuole, quindi vattene e lasciaci respirare, grazie!!

Questa piccola introduzione era solo per far capire qual'é stato il contesto, l'elemento che ha fatto da sfondo a queste giornate e quindi quanto poco easy sia stato svolgere certi compiti, di cui farò un riassuntino.

Che ho fatto da quando gli esami sono finiti? A dire la verità, niente di speciale. Piuttosto tante piccole cose a mio parere utili ed alcune anche divertenti.


Da diversi anni, ormai, curare il giardino é compito mio. Tagliare l'erba, potare la siepe, ecc… tutta roba mia. E non é che la cosa mi dispiaccia. Alla fine si tratta di stare un'oretta all'aria aperta, niente di più. E poi dà soddisfazione vedere l'erba bella corta e ordinata :).

Quest'anno però c'é una certa complicazione, di cui ho già parlato nel primo post. Le zanzare sembrano essere più assatanate che mai. Davvero, mai vista una cosa simile. Nell'esatto momento in cui calpesto l'erba me ne ritrovo addosso non meno di 40-50. Assurdo. Per fortuna ormai ci sono abbastanza abituato e le loro punture non mi danno più di tanto fastidio. Non fraintendetemi, dire che le odio é riduttivo...avessi le sfere del drago chiederei la loro estinzione.

Purtroppo non ci si può fare molto, quindi tanto vale rassegnarsi. D'altronde, é decisamente meglio che le punture me le prenda io piuttosto che mamma ;);). E comunque, l'erba la taglio molto meglio io ;).

C'é poi qualcuno che mi fa spesso compagnia quando sono in giardino. Si tratta di Wafer, il gatto del vicino. Lo adoro, é troppo carino, soprattutto quando viene vicino a me facendo le fusa e aspettando qualche coccola :). Sto seriamente pensando di rapirlo ed addestrarlo come mio gatto.


Camminare all'aria aperta é tutta salute. Si bruciano le calorie e si fa un po' di movimento. Ora, sono pienamente d'accordo con questa affermazione, d'altronde ho passato gli ultimi 6 mesi ad andare all'Uni a piedi ogni mattina.

La cosa cambia quando si tratta di fare mezzora di camminata sotto il sole più becero e infernale possibile. Mio consiglio: in questi casi fregarsene altamente dell'attività fisica e del bruciare calorie, state a casa!! Meglio ancora se a casa c'é un condizionatore, il miglior amico di chiunque durante le estati roventi.
Ovviamente, il mio é un  caso particolare, quindi non mi posso astenere dalla gitarella. La meta é il Caaf per cercare di prendere appuntamento per conto dei miei adorati genitori, così che possano fare l'Isee e quindi avere i requisiti, insieme ai miei crediti universitari (almeno con questi sono già a posto ;) ) per ottenere una riduzione sulle tasse universitarie.

Le cose peggiorano decisamente quando vai lì alle 14.30 (orario di apertura pomeridiano) e sei disposto a sopportare 37°C perché credi, convinto da mamma, che non ci sarà nessun'altro a quell'ora. Beh, spero che la prossima volta si astenga da fare pronostici.

Il peggio del peggio arriva quando, dopo la coda, finalmente raggiungi il banco informazioni, non fai neanche tempo a realizzare di avercela fatta e a pensare che il peggio é ormai passato che ti senti dire che non si possono prendere appuntamenti perché boh, non lo sanno neanche loro il perché.
Mannaggia agli enti statali che dovrebbero assicurare un servizio costante ed efficiente ai cittadini.


Lo so, ho seri problemi. Deve trattarsi di una qualche disfunzione, o magari di un principio di demenza. Fatto sta che, giusto per non arrivare a settembre e parlare tipo 'You is' o qualcosa del genere e, anzi, cercare di migliorare un po' la pronuncia, mi sto dando da fare per cercare di capire un po' meglio come funziona la fonetica Inglese. Perché la fonetica? Semplice, avendola fatta per Spagnolo l'anno scorso e avendone constatato l'utilità (e il fatto di essere bravino), ho pensato che fosse una buona idea usare lo stesso metodo per Inglese.

E qui comiciano le cattive notizie:

-ci sono diverse varietà di alfabeti fonetici (o IPA) a seconda che si tratti di Inglese britannico o americano, senza considerare i vari dialetti;

-i simboli fonetici sono 44 e in molti casi le differenze in termini di pronuncia sono minime;

-ovviamente per un madrelingua italiano riprodurre questi suoni in maniera scorrevole mentre si legge un testo é giusto un pochetto difficile, viste le differenze radicali tra una lingua neolatina e una anglosassone.

Ma noi non ci perdiamo d'animo!!

Ho dovuto anche pulire la camera. Non potevo più rimandare, mi ero ripromesso di farlo appena finiti gli esami. La situazione era tragica. Ovviamente ho avuto bisogno di qualche (molti) giorni per prepararmi psicologicamente, ma alla fine ce l'ho fatta. La camera ora splende (l'importante é la convinzione ;) ).

Le Piscine Comunali di Treviso sono state le mie più grandi alleate nella lotta contro il caldo. Ci ho trascorso un paio di mattinate davvero piacevoli e rilassanti. Ho anche colto l'opportunità per vedere quanto scarso sono diventato dopo 3 anni che non nuoto seriamente. Beh, non ho deluso le aspettative. Ogni 100m ero fermo a prendere fiato, che vergogna ;).

Nonostante fossi lento e senza fiato, mi sono divertito molto a tornare in acqua, anche perché so quanto nuotare faccia bene al fisico e non solo. Una volta uscito per tornare a casa mi sono sentito molto più leggero. Non ci sono dubbi, in termini di benefici e tanti altri aspetti il nuoto é sicuramente lo sport n°1, é risaputo.

Oh già, quasi dimenticavo: é stato un piacere rivedere Lorenzo, di ritorno da Milano (perché lui é nientemeno che un Bocconiano ;) ) e fare due chiacchiere con lui. Mi ha dato anche parecchi utili consigli per il futuro, quindi rivedersi é stato doppiamente utile ;).

PS invidio moltissimo Mazza perché lui adesso é ad Eastbourne, UK, a godersi il panorama e ad imparare un po' di Inglese.
Scherzo!! Ovviamente sono molto contento per lui e spero che si diverta moltissimo :):).


And here it is, the Summer everyone was waiting for!! But speaking of sunny weather is reductive, seen that these last days have been absolutely cloudless, with no less than 35° C.

What's the logical consequence of this? WE ARE BOILING!! It's strongly recommended not to leave your house at certain hours of the day, unless you're a masochist or you'd like to be turned into a funny sweat puddle by this blistering heat and by the ultra-high humidity.
Now, I'm not asking for storms or tornadoes, but a breath of fresh air sometime would be appreciated…

Do you get it now, my dear African Anticyclone?? Pack your stuff and go away from here, because we want to breathe again!!

This short introduction was just to make you understand what the wallpaper of these days has been and therefore how difficult performing some tasks has been for me.

What have I been doing in this first period of freedom? Nothing special, if I must say the truth… Mainly a lot of little things/ tasks that were useful or needed to be done. Some of them were also quite funny :).

1) I'VE FOUND I'M A GIFTED GARDENER (and mum takes advantage of that ;) ).

I've been taking care of my garden for quite some years by now. Cutting the grass, trimming the hedge, etc… All mine. And it's not that I don't like it. After all, spending a couple of hours in the garden means breathing some fresh air (not now, but usually it means this ;) ) and distracting myself. I also think it's worth it seeing the garden being orderly and well kept.

This year, however, there's a kind of little obstacle about which I've already talked in my first post. Mosquitos seem to be more hungry than ever. Really, never seen something similar so far. As soon as I put my feet on the grass, I'm beset by no less than 40-50 of them. Unbelievable. Luckily, by now I'm quite accustomed to their stings, so the itch is bearable.

Don't misunderstand, I still hate them. If it was for me, not one of those insects would be still alive.
Asking the Genius to extinguish them is on my 'absolutely-to-ask' wishes list for when I'll find the Lamp.

It seems my blood tastes good 

Luckily, there's something that when I'm out in the garden helps me forgetting mosquitos.


He's my neighbour's cat, Wafer. He's adorable, I love when he comes around waiting for me to pet him. I'm seriously thinking of kidnapping him and raise him as if he was my cat ;).


Walking in the open air is good for health. It's useful to burn calories or simply to exercise a bit. Now, I completely agree with this idea, I think it can be demonstrated by saying that I've been going to University by foot during the last six months.

The situation changes a lot when you have to walk for 30 minutes and you have to do it while the worst and the most infernal Sun is shining. In this case it's better if you ignore all the physical benefits related to walking and stay locked in your home. Things will be perfect if you have an air conditioning unit, definitely my summer best friend.

Of course, mine is a particular situation, so I can't avoid this lovely trip :(. The finish line in this case is the Caaf, where I'm supposed to try booking an appointment for both my lovely parents, so that they can prepare all the documents necessary to guarantee a discount on Uni taxes. The other condition to be fulfilled is related to my credits, but I've already reached the amount I need ;).

Things can get even worse when you reach the place at 2.30 pm (afternoon's opening time), being convinced by your mother that tolerating those 37°C is a necessary sacrifice because there won't be anyone else so early in the afternoon. Well, I hope she'll keep her mouth closed next time.

Mum was almost right, wasn't she?

Just to finish the story, I had to wait for 1 hour and then, having finally reached the info desk, I simply was told that it wasn't possible for me to book an appointment because apparently the lists were already full. I stood frozen for some seconds, the time necessary to realize my trip had been a complete waste of time. Great. My day was made.
Damn state service which should guarantee continuous and efficient assistance to the citizen.


I know, I've got some serious problems. Maybe some dysfunction, or a beginning of dementia.
Anyway, I simply don't want to leave my English rotting to the point that in September I'll be speaking it like any other Italian person and, if possible, I'd like to try improving my pronunciation. And to do that I think it's important understanding how English Phonetics really works. Why Phonetics? Well, I'd say because studying Phonetics helped me a lot with Spanish last year, and because I was pretty good at it.

Of course it's not so easy with English. I'm listing the main difficulties:

-there are different varieties of Phonetic Alphabets (or IPA), depending on the case we're studying British English or American English;

-there are 44 phonetic symbols total and in some cases the ways they're pronounced are almost the same;

-seen that Italian is a neo-latin language, there are a lot of differences with an anglo-saxon language like English, so for me imitating all these sounds fluidly while reading or speaking is a little bit difficult.

Anyway, I'll keep going forward because I really want to improve. I won't let English defeat me ;).

I'm not sure whether I'm studying English or Egyptian hieroglyphics

Another thing that had to be done was the complete cleaning of my bedroom. I had promised myself I'd have carried out this task just after finishing my exams.
Of course it took me some (a lot of) days to be psychologically and emotionally ready to face such a challenge. But I'm happy of the outcome. It took me almost three hours, but I made my room shine (ok, maybe I'm overdoing it a bit ;) ).

Well, that's certainly some improvement ;)

Treviso Public Swimming-Pool has been my great ally to fight the high temperature. I spent a couple of really lovely mornings there. I also took the opportunity to test myself and see how much my swimming stamina had worsened. Now, for those of you that don't know me, I used to swim at quite a good level for almost 10 years, until May 2012. Since I stopped, I've never come back to the swimming pool for a serious practice session, so it's perfectly normal for me to be out of training.
Nevertheless, knowing that didn't prevent me to be shocked after seeing that I needed to stop every 100 metres.

My Paradise <3
Despite being slow and breathless, I couldn't but enjoy to be back there, also because I know how good  swimming is for body, lungs and heart. Once I came out to go back home I felt lighter than before. Really, swimming can be considered  the best sport as far as physical benefits and health are concerned,  I'm 100 % sure of this. Also because I speak for personal experience, seen that when I was a child I was diagnosed with a beginning scoliosis, but swimming kinda fixed my back. That's also why I love this sport so much :):).

Oh, I was almost forgetting: it was a pleasure to hang out with Lorenzo, who had come back home from Milan (he's no less than a Bocconi student ;) ) to prepare his exams. I took double advantage from our meeting: first, it was a pleasure to see a friend again after quite some time, then he gave me some really useful advice for the future. Thank you, I'll make a good use of them :).

PS I've started envying my Uni friend Mazza a lot, for his being in the UK, Eastbourne, to study English and to visit the country. Grrrrrr, I want to be there too!!!! ;)

Apart from jokes, I'm very happy for him and I hope he'll learn a lot from this experience, apart from having a good time there :):).

LATEST NEWS: a couple of days ago I was phoned back by one of that companies to which I had sent my CV and I was given the opportunity to take part in a group job interview. Let's hope for the best!

Ending the post with this stunning sunset :)

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

How does Italian University work??

This is a special post, because I'm going to write it only in English. It's addressed mainly to Bethany, but also to any other person who's interested in understanding how University works here in Italy.

Ok, I know this isn't the best topic to start the month, so forgive me, but I had promised an explanation to a certain friend :).

University in Italy is generally a 3+2 years journey that students have to do if they want to guarantee themselves a future with more possibilities.

I said generally because of two things:

- the duration of the courses is different according to the degree (ex Medicine's students have to wait something like 10 or more years to start working, because they have a long internship).
My degree is a standard one: next year I should get my three-years degree and I could start the next two- years period (aka known as Master). I used the conditional because I don't have any interest in starting the Master immediately. Before doing that, I want to move to England for at least one year. I think a working-studying experience abroad would help my English reach a level that only who study abroad can reach.
Plus, I'm sure it'd help me as a person. I mean, I'd surely grow up a lot after so much time away from my home. And I'd also have the chance to meet new people and to learn a lot from them.
Ok, let's stop now, this isn't a "My dream for the future" post.

- the second thing is that quite a lot of times (too many times) a 3+2 years degree isn't enough because of the crappy situation in our beloved country. There are cases of graduates who can't find a proper job despite having studied so much and having put an enormous effort trying to build the bases for a respectable career. I won't say more, I'm not here to discuss about politics.

Now let's focus on the main point: how does the marking system work here in Italy?
I consider it quite simple a system.
During the whole year there are three periods (January- May/ June- First half of Sept) called sessions in which students are examined.
In my degree there aren't mid-semester exams, but I know in some others there are. So my mark isn't calculated considering scores of multiple tests. I simply do an exam and then I receive my grade.

Here University students receive numerical marks. You pass the exam if your mark goes from 18 to 30. If your exam is more than perfect, then your mark will be 30 cum laude (in case you were wondering, I've never received that mark).

Students then have the possibility to refuse the mark and to repeat the exam. Depending on the degree, they can repeat it in the same session, if there's more than one date for that exam, or in the next one, like me with my language-related exams (no luck at all for me!!!).

Our exams have a credit value. This is because the degree final mark (the maximum is 110 cum laude) is calculated through a weighted average,  which is related to the mark and the number of credits of each exam.

I'm sure mine won't be a 110 degree, but I don't care too much about it :). And mum will be happy, because she'll still be having the highest marked degree in the family :):).

This is how it works here. As I said before, it's not too difficult to understand.

Hope you'll find this interesting.

PS I'm not going to post this on Facebook, seen that it's only in English.

(With this I've just scored the 1-0 point, so I'm currently leading :) :) ).