Dopo tanto tempo, finalmente è giunto il mio turno. Era ora direi, no? :-)
Approfittando di questo periodo di calma apparente, sono riuscito a ritagliarmi qualche giorno per visitare la tanto agognata capitale inglese. Tra meno di un mese -partenza il 10 Ottobre da Treviso- sarò in volo.
Sono talmente gasato che ho passato gli ultimi giorni a leggere svariati libri/guide turistiche e a scavare nell'internet alla ricerca di ogni informazione potenzialmente utile per sfruttare al meglio quei 4-5 giorni oltremanica, sperando solo che il tempo non faccia proprio schifo.
Che dire, ci sono talmente tanti luoghi di interesse o che meritano di essere visitati che, per buttare giù una prima bozza di programma turistico, ho riempito forse qualche foglio di troppo ;-). Ora toccherà fare una cernita, dato che probabilmente neanche il triplo del tempo a mia disposizione basterebbe...Uffa!!
O così o imparo a sdoppiarmi, in modo da poter essere in molteplici posti in contemporanea...Quindi non sorprendetevi se nei prossimi giorni vedrete qualche me stesso di troppo, sono io che mi esercito ;-).
Lasciando per un momento da parte certe idee quantomeno bizzarre, l'impossibilità di poter vedere tutto in una volta può essere un vantaggio: vuol dire che mi toccherà ritornarci! Davvero un peccato, eh? ;-)
Qualche dettaglio sul viaggio: purtroppo questa volta sarò da solo, ma forse è anche giusto così; può essere un'esperienza importante per me. Certo, è la prima volta che viaggio totalmente senza compagnia. Non che la cosa mi spaventi -avrei rinunciato se così fosse-, però mi sto ancora abituando all'idea.
Oh, alloggerò in un ostello in zona Waterloo, il che, come posizione, mi sembra buono. Anche questa sarà un'esperienza abbastanza nuova per me, che comunque non vedo l'ora di fare.
Sperando vada tutto bene (ho già messo in preventivo il perdermi nella metro e un altro paio di
Un'ultima cosa: ultimamente mi capita di fermarmi un momento e pensare che in un anno ho avuto la possibilità -e la fortuna- di poter finalmente girare e vedere un pochino di più il mondo, e questo mi ha fatto capire che non voglio assolutamente fermarmi qua, ce n'è ancora di roba da fare! :-)
Gente, vado a Londra. E niente, è già epico così :-).
It's real!! God only knows how long I've been waiting for this moment, and now it's finally happening: I'm going to London!!
My turn has come, better late than never, right? :-)
Since I'm currently going through a surprisingly quiet and calm period in my life, what's better than taking off and finally visiting a small part of that island I've dreamt of for ages? Definitely nothing. In less than a month -departure on the 10th of October- I'll be flying! :-)
I'm so thrilled I've been spending a considerable amount of time collecting info through books/tourist guides and surfing the Net. Everything to make the most of those 4-5 days there, hoping for the weather to be at least acceptable.
No need to point out the time I have is absolutely not enough to see even half of the things I'd like, but this didn't keep me from writing a two pages list...erm, maybe I overdid it a bit? Now I'll be forced to make a selection, probably one of the toughest ever, since leaving even one of those sites aside should be considered in the same way as a crime...Uff!! :-(
This, or I need to learn how to create some doubles in order to visit multiple places simultaneously. Hey, that's not a bad idea, in fact it's brilliant...I'm definitely going to stick to it! Therefore, in case you run into one or two extra Jacopo in the next days, don't be scared, it's just me practicing ;-).
Bizarre plans aside, it's truly impossible, I need to accept that...Guess this means I'm going to have to come back, right? I love this way of seeing it, actually... ;-).
About the journey itself: sadly, I'll be travelling alone, but perhaps it's the best thing after all...I'll end up learning a lot and, especially considering my "plans" for the future, this is exactly what I need. That aside, it's still the first time for me. I'm not scared -I wouldn't go if that were the case-, however I still need some time to get accustomed to the idea.
Oh, another first time: I'm staying in a hostel near Waterloo station, which seems to be the most suitable alternative if compared to the others I took into account. The place does look lovely -essential, but lovely- and the reviews are generally positive.
Hoping for everything to go well (getting lost in the tube and another couple ofunexpected weird circumstances I'm likely to find myself in do not count), I'm carrying on with my countdown (-18!!). I cannot wait!!!
Wow...a piece Spain, a piece of Denmark and now a piece of England! In just one year!!! I can but consider myself extremely lucky for this opportunity: seeing even a tiny bit of this world is not something everyone can do. And the feelings I have experienced are probably the best ever. I definitely don't want to stop here! :-)
Folks, I'm going to London! No need to add anything, it's epic enough in and of itself ;-).
No need to point out the time I have is absolutely not enough to see even half of the things I'd like, but this didn't keep me from writing a two pages list...erm, maybe I overdid it a bit? Now I'll be forced to make a selection, probably one of the toughest ever, since leaving even one of those sites aside should be considered in the same way as a crime...Uff!! :-(
This, or I need to learn how to create some doubles in order to visit multiple places simultaneously. Hey, that's not a bad idea, in fact it's brilliant...I'm definitely going to stick to it! Therefore, in case you run into one or two extra Jacopo in the next days, don't be scared, it's just me practicing ;-).
Bizarre plans aside, it's truly impossible, I need to accept that...Guess this means I'm going to have to come back, right? I love this way of seeing it, actually... ;-).
About the journey itself: sadly, I'll be travelling alone, but perhaps it's the best thing after all...I'll end up learning a lot and, especially considering my "plans" for the future, this is exactly what I need. That aside, it's still the first time for me. I'm not scared -I wouldn't go if that were the case-, however I still need some time to get accustomed to the idea.
Oh, another first time: I'm staying in a hostel near Waterloo station, which seems to be the most suitable alternative if compared to the others I took into account. The place does look lovely -essential, but lovely- and the reviews are generally positive.
Hoping for everything to go well (getting lost in the tube and another couple of
Wow...a piece Spain, a piece of Denmark and now a piece of England! In just one year!!! I can but consider myself extremely lucky for this opportunity: seeing even a tiny bit of this world is not something everyone can do. And the feelings I have experienced are probably the best ever. I definitely don't want to stop here! :-)
Folks, I'm going to London! No need to add anything, it's epic enough in and of itself ;-).
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