Monday, 16 November 2015

Lack of Events Altering the Routine. Oh, and We're Almost At The Final Rush!

Dopo due settimane dall'ultimo post, rieccomi qua!

Ultimamente sono stato parecchio occupato. E comunque, oltre a non avere avuto né tempo né tanta voglia di scrivere, non é successo niente di particolare.

Le ultime due settimane sono trascorse in maniera abbastanza lineare, seguendo quella che ormai per me é una routine consolidata: Uni-Casa-Compiti-Cena-Svago-Letto. Questo da lunedí a giovedí, giorni nei quali sto piú a lezione che a casa. Venerdí, piú che altro, é giorno di riposo e di studio per la settimana successiva, in modo da avere un weekend piú leggero.

Sabato si fa serata con gli altri del gruppo, mentre la domenica é dedicata alla preparazione psicologica alla settimana che sta per cominciare.

Tra le "novitá" c'é stato pure l'esame di Spagnolo Commerciale, poco piú di un paio di settimane fa, che fortunatamente ho passato abbastanza bene. L'orale, in particolare, é stato quasi divertente. Si trattava di un dibattito a coppie improvvisato riguardo un tema a caso.
Peccato sia durato solo 5 minuti! :)

Molto piú divertenti sono, invece, le serate con gli amici, dalle semplici serate film (o almeno, l'idea era quella ;);) ), alle cene fuori con tanto di buffet e conseguente mangiata epocale. Oh, sí: quant'é buona la Sangría!! 

Sono poi riuscito a fare un ragú decente dopo svariati fallimenti... Quanto mi manca l'Italia, casa, il cibo italiano, soprattutto la Pizza!!!

Ultima cosa di questo breve post: da oggi mancano esattamente 30 giorni al volo di ritorno!! Ora non fraintendetemi: Zaragoza mi piace tantissimo e sono sicuro che ci ritorneró in futuro, peró mi manca molto casa, gli amici e la family :):)

Ah sí: per una serie di ragioni ho deciso di rimandare la visita di Madrid e Barcellona ad un altro momento. Visto anche gli ultimi terribili avvenimenti credo sia la scelta migliore.

Quanto male c'é in questo mondo...

Here I am again, after two weeks since the last time I wrote something!

I just wanted to begin the post
with the simbol of
Zaragoza :)

Lately I've been way too busy, and this, together with the fact I didn't really want to write (for several reasons), is the main reason for my absence. Moreover, nothing special happened, so you haven't missed anything!

The last two weeks went on quite normally, according to my fixed routine for the week: Uni-Home-Studying-Dinner-Relax-Bed. This from Monday to Thursday (Thursday night is for friends and fun ;) ). In these days I spend more time at Uni than anywhere else, so it's quite natural to think about Friday as the day in which I "recharge" myself to be at 100% in the weekend. Oh, I also use Friday to study a lot, doing all the practice for the following week.

Saturday and Sunday are both days in which I study the grammar, vocabulary... All the theoretical part. But I use expecially Saturday evening and night to have fun going out with friends and doing all sort of crazy things with them :):). I love you guys! 

One of our movie evenings :):)

Sunday is for getting psichologically ready for the week that's about to come, so nothing special, just some walking in the city or some "early" drink with the aforementioned friends.

Now time for the (very few) news!

Two weeks ago mother came to visit me! She had planned to stay here from Friday night to Sunday morning, then she would move to Madrid for a few days. Lucky her! 

I was really excited to see her again after almost two months and to guide her through the whole city. Ok, she was the one guiding me sometimes, but never mind... It's mum, after all!!

Photo taken while on the top of the Pilar
with mum :)

(For those of you who don't know my mother, she's the kind of person who always manages to be fully prepared about a place before visiting it. That's quite frustrating sometimes, she just speaks too much!!! But she made me discover a couple of lovely places I'd never seen before, so I can but be grateful ;);) )

I wanted to show her that I was doing great and I had no probs in living alone. I know she is proud of me for that and I can but be happy for that since, to me, it means I'm ready for similar experiences in the future, starting, hopefully, from next summer.

Another news: I passed the Business Spanish exam and I did quite well! I enjoyed a lot the oral part, when we were asked to debate in pairs about a random topic. A shame it lasted only 5 minutes!! 
(I know I can seem insane, but I really enjoy exams time, above all oral tests, when I can unleash the chatty me and go on talking forever. So the longer the exam, the better :):) ).

The best class celebrating Halloween! :)

I have a lot of fun also during my nights with friends: movie nights, nights out drinking something and wandering around or dinners out looking for something delicious :):):). 

Dinner wit buffet!!! No need to say
how much I ate that night ;)

I also managed to 'craft' an eatable ragú after a thousands of failed attempts... How much I'm missing Italy, home and italian food!! ;);)

Last thing: from today it's exactly 30 days from my flight back to Italy!! Yay!!!!!

Now don't misunderstand, I love Zaragoza and also Spain in general. I'm definitely coming back in the future, but I really need my home, my friends and my family :).

Oh, yes: I decided to postpone my trip to Madrid and Barcelona, due to several reasons, included the disaster happened in Paris. I think this is the best choice, I'll have time to come back in the future.

PS I've learnt a couple of things: when sending Happy BDay messages avoid Skype, unless your mex is sent about a couple of weeks before. The same goes for the present! ;)
But the thought is what really matters, isn't it? :):)

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