Monday 24 August 2015

The Best Way to End This Summer and to Get Ready for What's to Come Next: Happy Birthday Leo!!

Ed eccoci qua! Presenti, per il terzo anno consecutivo, all'evento che per me significa la quasi chiusura dell'estate e mi ricorda che manca poco all'inizio delle cose serie. Due anni fa, tra l'altro, ho ricevuto la notizia dell'ammissione all'Università proprio quel pomeriggio, quindi non male direi ;).

Sto parlando ovviamente della festa di compleanno di Leo. Ora, per chi non lo conoscesse, Leo é un amico che abita molto vicino a me che ha la fortuna di avere, oltre ad un giardino enorme e ad una dose illimitata di simpatia, una piscina. Non una di quelle piscine gonfiabili che hanno tutti, bensì una piscina seria che più di così non si può :).

Di solito durante il periodo estivo ci si trova da lui insieme ad un bel gruppo di amici una o due volte a settimana, per passare dei gran pomeriggi, tra bagni e giochi all'aperto, e delle ottime serate.

La festa di Leo, però, é qualcosa di più di un semplice pomeriggio in piscina, sia per la quantità di cibo presente (tutto ottimo) che per le attività proposte. Basti pensare che due anni fa fece il suo esordio il celebre scivolo, che parte dalla cima della collinetta (chi non ne ha una in giardino? ;) ) e arriva fin giù. Ovviamente lo bagniamo con l'acqua e, tanto per rendere le cose più interessanti e scivolose, ci passiamo sopra del detersivo per i piatti. Fidatevi che si scende veloci :):).

Tra scivoli, calcio, bagni, pallavolo, gavettoni, cibo, amici e tante altre cose, il divertimento é assicurato.

A dire il vero, un po' di paura per questo Sabato c'era, dato Giovedì e Venerdì aveva piovuto. Per fortuna il sole aveva deciso di stare fuori per tutto il giorno, quindi tutto ok, la festa si poteva fare senza paura :).

Io e alcuni altri siamo arrivati da Leo un po' prima dell'orario stabilito per aiutarlo con gli ultimi preparativi, tra cui i gavettoni e la frutta: spiedini con uva, anguria, ananas e melone infilati nella buccia dell'anguria. Spettacolo.

Oltre alla frutta, pizzette, panini vari, tramezzini, ecc… Il paradiso.

Non scriverò molto altro su tutto quello che abbiamo fatto, altrimenti starei qui fino a domani. E poi qualcosa l'ho già detta, quindi siamo a posto così. Ribadisco solo che la giornata é stata powa, davvero bella. La torta poi… eccezionale :):)

Tanti Auguri Leo!! Mi prenoto già un posto per l'anno prossimo!! :):)


So here we are! Participating for the third consecutive year in the event that usually means for me the end of the summer is close. And that it's about time for serious things to start. Talking of which, I received the great news of having passed the University placement test on that afternoon two years ago…not bad at all, don't you think? ;)

Of course I'm referring to Leo's birthday party. Now, for those of you who are so unlucky and don't know him, Leo is a friend of mine who lives near my house and who, besides having an enormous garden and being one of the most funny people I've ever met, has a swimming pool. Yes, a real swimming pool. That's why his birthday party is not a normal one, but a pool party. It's simply the best, one of the coolest things possible.

A small portion of the aforementioned garden.
Definitely impossible to catch the whole of it
in a single picture ;)

Usually, during Summer we use to meet at his place together with a fantastic group of friends once or twice a week. We always have a great time there, spending the afternoon swimming or playing volley and the evening eating and chatting, or playing other games.

Leo's party, however, is something different. Something more than the normal ' Day at Leo's ', and I'd say it's because of both the incredible amount of food available (yum yum! :) ) and the series of activities planned for the day.

I'll give you an example of what Leo's extraordinary mind can create. Two years ago the now well-known ramp made its first appearance. It helps us drifting and sliding till the bottom of the small hill in the garden (who doesn't have a hill in the garden?? ;) ). Of course we don't use only water. To make the thing a bit more funny and thrilling, we decided to add some detergent (called 'Svelto', which means 'Fast'). No need to say that our speed has doubled ;).

So, what is the result when you add a ramp, a pool, a king size garden, volleyball, football, friends and food? Easy. It's FUN.

I admit we were a bit scared before Saturday, seen that both Thursday and Friday had been crappy rainy days. Luckily, on Saturday the Sun did nothing but shining, so the most important prerequisite to do a pool party in the garden, besides having a pool and a garden, was complied with.

Some of the guests and I went to Leo's before the time to help him getting the last things ready. Of course I chose to help him with food :). I had to put on a spit pieces of grapes, pineapple, melon and watermelon and then inserting it on the skin of the empty watermelon (apologies, it's pretty damn difficult to explain it in English).

My reward was part of the remaining fruit plus the 'common' food. I was in Heaven.

To make it easier for you to understand
the greatness of that table (my masterpiece
is in the middle :) )
I'm not going to go through everything we did, because I'd end up staying here till tomorrow. Plus, I've already said something briefly about it.

I'll just say that the cake was amazing, incredibly tasteful :).

Hey, what's a birthday party without the birthday cake??
So, now that the cake is ready, we can wish you Happy Birthday Leo!!

Ps I'm already booking myself a place for next year ;);)

Ps 2 (for those of you who don't know me): I'm not a person who lives with the purpose of eating as many things as I can, in fact I'm a bit too skinny, if we consider the relationship between height and weight (175 cm x 59 kg), so please don't think of me as a clone of Dudley Dursley!! :);)

Oh, right: what am I referring to in the title with the 'what's to come next' thing ? Of course to the damn Literature exam (one week left, exam already booked) which I'm struggling to get ready to. I've never felt so tired and lazy like I'm now before an exam, which is pretty damn scaring considereing the time left... Only thinking about freedom and Spain make me feel rather better.

I honestly don't know how it'll be, but I'm sure my very positive intention of getting a good grade will remain just the same, without turning into reality. But we'll see in the next days :)

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